Wednesday, April 25, 2007

POPquiz, Who was the first person to appear on SA television?

Sometimes you need the perspective of an outsider to truly appreciate the bizarre. So yes I was reminded the other day in a discussion by a little known, but very flippen amazing fact.The first program (once they got bored of the test signal) on SA television in 1976 was in fact the news. 'Die Nuus' to be correct, and the newsreader was none other than...Riaan Cruywagen! The biggest news item of the day was,.. well Television and the SABC.Somehow this evergreen spritely chap has managed to survive through the last 30+ years (with the same hairdo, nogal).

Anyway his contract actually got terminated in 2003, but a massive outcry from a whole host of tannies got him back, and he plods on, sure as ever. I'm sure they were contemplating a newscaster more along these lines. A brief web search brought me to the fact that just like Steve Hofmeyer, he could in fact be the next Chuck Norris:

Riaan Cruywagen is fluent in twenty seven of the eleven official

Riaan Cruywagen knows the news before it happens.

Riaan Cruywagen had a telekinetic showdown with Johan Stemmet. After
draining all of Stemmet's powers and rendering him severely retarded, he
created Noot vir Noot and made Stemmet the host.

Some people believe Riaan Cruywagen wears a toupee - he has, in fact,
one perfect hair. The one that covers his entire head - giving it that,
'not quite real' look. Riaan himself is not quite real.

One night during an ad break on the 8 o'clock news, Riaan Cruywagen
mentioned to the makeup lady that he was 'tired of this apartheid
nonsense'. Nelson Mandela was released from prison the next day.

After reading the news Riaan Cruywagen built the pyramids. It took
precisely 17 minutes to draw up the plans and then a further six minutes
to think them into existence.

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