Wednesday, May 14, 2008

how to really irritate me

ok, this has rankled me for a while and i just want to say f#$% off to whoever started it.
so the modern kid has about 10 places with a username (at least). Of course they all have a password attached. Cool, so the privacy is guaranteed. But how are you supposed to remember 10 unique passwords? you don't, obviously you have the same one.
password crap that piss me off big time:
a)when they tell you to change your password. f@#$ you d00s, it's mine, i'll decide if it's expired or not
b)insisting on their own special rules (for the users safety). negating any chance of keeping the same password for everything.
here's two recent examples:
SARS efiling. secondly the password had so many special conditions, that it might as well be a random string of characters. i think i chose "2$Stripper69"
firstly, they generate a ridiculous login name for you that is so hard to remember itself (ie. joesoap1429). you have to remember that to get your password. your ID number is not really yours. Well i wrote it down somewhere, and will be phoning call centre of fun to get it back next time again.
virgin money internet banking:
Rules to create your Password
1The Password is alphanumeric (comprises both letters and numbers), for example Coffee2
2Your new Password should be 8 to 12 Characters
3Your Password is case sensitive. For example: Coffee
4No special characters or spacing is allowed */?-&%$#@!<>:^(.)
5Choose a Password that is easy to remember, but that nobody else is likely to guess
6Your own name or sequences will not be allowed, for example John1234
I tried a million new passwords, all of them got rejected as not following the 'rules'. of course they don't say which 'rule' it violates so you don't have a clue.
Hilariously the first three rules all have examples that violate each other.
So it looks like 5 and 6 f@#$ed me over, the only thing that i could get to work? Password1 - the example they give. tried changing it too.
clearly the only way to get around this is to save your passwords. which kinda negates the point of them in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Ha! this topic is number 4 on my hatelist, just behind sanding wood panel windows. don't worry Steve-O, fingerprint scanners are finally becoming viable

Dirk said...

I love creating passwords. Its the best thing on earth. Also fun:

* Herpes
* Crabs
* Erectile Dysfunction
* Waking up being robbed

Not that any of those things have happened to me, but I am sure that they would be really not fun. Here is my open source, cross-platform, super-dooper, can sit on a memory-stick or mobile phone solution for password management:

Its the best.

steve said...

errrm, Denzel. I'm not so sure about point #2. We have anecdotal reports, many in fact.

i tried some research on #3, but it appears you need to be getting action to get ED