The program was simple to say the least. Wake up early and drive to McGregor, get on bikes and ride to Rawsonville.
Meanwhile, the car gets there and two fly fishermen jump out and get some trout for a lekker fishbraai.

The ride was awesome, nothing like touring through rough country on old wagon trails with a dodgy map for 9 hours. It was entertaining to see that Brandvlei prison looks more like a country club (we rode straight through it, hardly anyone around).
We pulled into Trouthaven after dark, to find that the boys had indeed caught fish, but it was a catch and release river. Tuna pasta demolished next to a roaring fire.

Next day we headed up valley in the car and tried to hike out of the kloof. Stettynskloof is not for moffies, and we got our asses kicked. Silly us thought we were actually ahead of schedule, but then the path just disappeared and it was bundu of Voortrekker proportions, and we turned back to the cars still about two hours hack to the nek. I left some blood there, but will be taking revenge in early July.

That area looks awesome, solid mountains and a kiif lake - lekker. - where is it?
Did you camp on the banks of the Breede at that "kak" campsite that gets flooded every now and then?
Sweet - when does your short mtb ride start?
I vote Shimano SPD..But egg beaters look cool and for the road speedplay all the way!
nope camped at - undiscovered heaven on our doorstep...but dontellanyone!
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