It works everytime. Especially in my varsity days in matieland, where everyone is a cheapskate due to the low price of alchohol (which just forces you to spend all your money on it).
Go to a mate's flat complex and, whilst you are waiting for them to get their ducks rowed, you just push a random button on the intercom.
Random: "Hello, who's there?"
You: "TV licence inspector, can we come up please?"…….
Random will come up with a myriad of excuses, normally along the lines of :
"we don't have a tv"
You: "well according to our records you do"
When the random is really freaking out, you throw in a:
"that's okay, someone has just opened the gate, I'm coming up to inspect"
mwha ha ha, rest assured there's a quick game of hide the TV going on in the little flat.
Ahhh, good times. Now life really has progressed, judging by what rocked up in my mailbox the other day. My name was preceded by ADMIR. For the life of me, I could not remember what ADMIR was. In a spate of good citizenship last year, I paid for a TV licence. Of the 50 or so titles, Admiral was chosen (Jedi Knight not being on the list). I'm sure it'll come to bite me sometime, but until then I'm running the ship.
Now what on earth incensed me to pay for a TV license when I don't watch the damn thing much? Well, it's the right thing to do and doesn't really break the bank to be honest. There are of course a few things worth watching these days anyway on 'free to air'.
50/50 is gone. But not without a fight. After 20+ years on the station, the longest running show was canned last month. Monday night was their final slot, and the closing season was great, with the 'best of' veldfokus over the years. Just imagine all the brilliant videos and stills in those archives…well the snapshot they showed us was awesome. Getting rid of Dali and Vusi is hardly justification for them scrapping this national treasure, but it's a start.
Jericho is gone. Gill will never be the same, but Wednesday night now has this Prison Break thing.
The LAB II. The LAB was the best ever South African produced show (including all DSTV/MNET stuff). Took them a while to bring it back and they have shifted it to Sunday night SABC3 prime at 8pm just to show how highly it's rated. Monty, Jaws and Mingus et al are all still there in this brilliant high stakes business drama set in the unique environment that is the Jozi boardroom. This is our LA Law, but with BEE issues. I missed the first episode, but will make an effort to watch the rest, it's worth it.