Deep South Diaries: Howzit saddles, happy to be back in familiar surroundings?
Mark Sadler: Ja, its quite nice to actually chill out for the first time in who knows how long? Cheap SAB beer is another highlight.
DSD: How hard is it gearing up to sail a locally high-profile regatta?
MS: Lipton is Lipton, it's always a tough week I've been there to get the winning T-shirt before.
DSD:fair enough, we're looking forward to a serious battle at the head of the fleet, how's your team shaping up?
MS:not bad I must admit, I managed to secure some of the finest young mercenaries in the game. I just buy the smokes and they do the rest.
DSD: Sailing for a Durban club and back on an Orion boat?
MS: umm ja, well. Next question please?
DSD: How's training been going?
MS: training's been fine, we've put some good hours in on the bay. I've had to spend far too much time sorting out other stuff since I got back. The Extra is full of seriously dangerous cobwebs and my keeler at theewaters is also a little sorry after all this rain. It appears there were some big parties at our flat too whilst we were in Valencia. It's quite nice to get back on a boat again and stop worrying about all this admin stuff.
DSD: It's a cool flat, there's even a photo of you on the wall with a ponytail if I remember correctly..
MS: There's no escaping that shocker, I must burn that one for sure.
DSD: How will you handle the favourites tag?
MS: Who said we’re the favourites?
DSD: Come on, we’ve all seen the promo pics with you and Greg posing with the cup.
MS: oh yeah, that explains a lot actually…I need to get my publicist from the AC team back, she got my public image sky high. At Lipton the only thing you can take for granted is that you can’t take anything for granted.
DSD: should we read anything into the L26 WP champs result?
MS: We’re not going to, it’s a got a stigma to it and it appears everyone did their best not to win it!
DSD: We’re all dying to know, how much will the AC experience help?
MS: Two totally different boats and regattas, so it’s not like we have a sailing technique edge over the local guys. AC v5 and L26 have the same number of sails, but that’s about it. I’m definitely more comfortable with high pressure racing, which came from doing the Match Race circuit too.
DSD: Well good luck for the week, and maybe see the whole show moving off to Durbs again next year?
MS: No probs, we’ll do our best.

Glad to see our interview has finally made it to print :-)
Remind me to bring the diggler to the prize-giving. I think after these "interviews" you will be using it a lot.
that diggler is like the L26 fleet...well passed it's sell-by date but still in constant use for want of a better alternative....can we please retire him at the top of his game and get a new one?pretty please?
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