DSD: Hey guys, how’s the training been going?
GD: What’s training, we’re a bunch of pros!
GB: I’m still at varsity, and those exams are really hard so I have to spend a lot of time there studying. Plus I’ve just been on a bit of a laser binge, doing a few events in Europe and the All-Africans in Algeria.
DSD: Gareth, how does Lipton with its L26 class compare to your standard laser racing?
GB: Not much really, you have an extra sail and a few more ropes to worry about, but I don’t touch any of them. It’s much easier to take a slash off the back between races. The other cool thing is that guys on the boat bring you sarmies and stuff, but this tall guy on the front eats most of them anyway. Greg, why do we need him again?
GD: That’s Dopey the bowman, he helps get the bag up.
GB: The bag?
GD: The spinnaker….for downwind.
GB: oh yeah there’s spinnakers on these boats too, we don’t have them on lasers. They do add an extra dimension to the racing, but seem to be more trouble than they are worth.
DSD: Happy to still be racing on the L26’s?
GD: Well we do have more entrants than last year, both in likely contenders and total numbers, so that’s very good for the event.
GB: There’s been some jetty rumours that Dalys is a very quick boat, but it’s actually a one design class, just like lasers. There won’t be much in it at the top.
DSD: Theewaters have now won the event five times since their inaugural victory in 1999, tell us a bit more about this professional set-up.
GD: Well we have Nanks on board, he’s invaluable. You could call him the Dennis Conner of Lipton Cup.
GB: Except he weighs about 100kgs less.
GD: Quite true, winning the AC so many times has bought DC far too many pies, he he. Seriously we go on the water knowing that nothing has been left to chance, Nanks has been winning this regatta since before Gigs was even born and knows it backwards. Mike is also very supportive and involved as a sponsor.
GB: We also get to psyche out the other teams with a big-ass spectator boat too! He’s like the Larry Ellison of Lipton Cup.
DSD: but he stays off the boat during racing.
GD: too true.
DSD: As the Defenders you are marked men, who will you be watching the most?
GD: With the AC now come and gone it’s a quality field, you can’t afford to focus on any single competitor. Both Mark and Dave have been sailing on the World Match Racing circuit too, we just don’t have that level of competition here. I think we all know who the main guys are, but there’ll probably be some high finishes from some of the other teams to mix it up.
GB: Don’t forget the raucous students from UCT either!
GD: Never, it’s gonna be a streetfight!
DSD: Not much different to Welcoming Party when they bring out the free snacks?
GD: Exactly, but on boats and for much longer.
DSD: Okay looks like it’s Gareth’s round, gotta go now, thanks for sparing the time guys.

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