Friday, April 11, 2008

the figures are all skyrocketing

So all the numbers are going up. Petrol is like it's linked to some internet dating scheme. I still shudder when the joggie tunes me it's over four hundred bucks to fill up my thriteen hundred. They must be laughing, as I'm sure their tips go up proportionately.

Eskom is pushing at getting their price tariffs upped by hefty margins, bye bye cheapest tricity on the planet, tough takkies if you run a factory on slim margins (but not if you have an aluminium smelter and it's all at cost anyway).

Tito has just reminded us that he's not forgotten about us. Take that 50 basis points and find another whole in that belt of yours.

Then I stumbled on a graph for Zimflation. Wahaaa. you can see it all here, but for the record it was a staggering 585 in 2003% but due to the scale hardly it even registers a blip.

So as we might have realised not everything is going up (definitely not renumerations), and this one is a moniker of note. 5 years ago, a bottle of the tried and tested Chateau Libertas was about twenty bucks. I picked up some at a Tops the other night on special for...twenty bucks. Hmmm, somethings fishy, because you can be rest assured the price of Tassies has doubled in that same time frame


Anonymous said...

Steve, everyone seems to be reading your blog (amongst the warthog MTBers at least), yet seems like you need an article on news aggregators (like Google Reader) since no one subscribes to it.
Happy training.


steve said...

ermmm, it's kinda an under the radar secret Blog. but i have stopped posting directions to my house parties (and stopped the house parties? what's that about?)

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