Friday, December 14, 2007

Long day out

Ignorance is bliss, pity we know we are in for an ass-kicking.

So despite some early interest from the Amsterdam mtb phenom and the paddle guru, it's just dangerous dave and the singletrack steve taking on the wpass 100.

Dave's been hitting the sauce ever since Tito got a firm grip on his balls, and well I've been rather inactive since the scaphoid/patella fiasco. Throw a 65/35/20 bike/hike/paddle at us, and we're in the dark for sure.

Being a fairly low-rent event, there's unlikely to be more than 10 teams, so prizes are a definite if we finish. Having a look at the weather report, and it's better to run away. It's going to be hot, and then rainy at night..

.....Genadendal here we come..

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