The story does go deeper, and I delved in a little when I was invited to a facebook group, ‘We mourn for Eendrag’. Of course I joined with the explicit intention of posting numerous victory messages and other slander until I realized that these chops were still a little shellshocked and heavily moderating the abuse.

Who’s Eendrag? They are well known as the resident nerds on campus…the boys who hire Van Wilder to organize parties so they can possibly pull chicks. Yes, they might have the highest DPA on campus but it’s not like anyone is seriously there to study. It’s a well known fact that there is indeed a tunnel from Eendrag to the bib, so they can get extra hours of studying in, without everyone laughing uncontrollably at their pocket protectors on the walk down. Of course they have a long standing rivalry with next-door Helshoogte. Unfortunately Helshoogte is the tallest building in the town at 9 stories, and regularly pelts their geeky neighbours with eggs, flour bombs and other objects from the eetsaal.

It’s not surprising that a res got burned due to a 6am braai on a Thursday morning. It’s a traditional end to the ‘klein saterdag’/ Wed night pissup, that has been regularly practiced by all who have spent some time at that special spot in the boland. The funny thing is that it’s these nerds, clearly on their first outing west of the bib to that no-mans land called Bird Street, who couldn’t contain their braai and with a quick ‘poof’ sent their home up in a puff of smoke.
Once the haze cleared, the stories came flooding in. They were lucky that the firestation is a five iron up the road and only lost the roof and top floor (of three). Unfortunately two guys ended up jumping out of windows, sustaining serious injury. There’s a rumour that one girl had her car damaged by the falling roof after to her parking there for some nappage – it’s more likely the Simonsberg lot was full and that’s closest spot she could find. All the boys had to evacuate and are now living elsewhere, and reconstruction won’t be finished till next year. Luckily the eetsaal was fine, and most of them do live in the bib anyway. The tunnel did experience some mild structural damage but the recently installed ventilation meant no smoke made it to the bib. Fingers immediately pointed at faulty wiring, but the obvious braaiers were quickly located. Pretty soon a ‘9/11’type catchword was found relating to the date, and Eendrag987 stuck.
You can type that in on YouTube to get a whole host of vids, just like this one.

We’d be happy with them flattening the whole damn thing and replacing it with a new home for Hombre. Throw in a sauna, bowling alley and a lapa and we’ll come back to take our place as the real deal in the dorp. After our sisters in Sonop tried burning our own building down last year, it’s time that real men returned to show these pyromaniacs how to handle a braai.
Delving further into the subject we went to the official Eendrag site. Lo and behold we see that they are actually doing drugs now too (look top right). Must be some Cape Flats boys moving in and peddling Tik to these chess captains to help them get through exams - oh wait it’s “Tik in Eendrag”, in Afrikaans- totally different meaning. Surprise surprise, these lurkers are now doing their research whilst they eat in the canteen…..losers, all of them (most of them, a few decent blokes do unfortunately get lumped in with these dorks).
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