Now what have we here? Once you have recovered from the shock of seeing your first witch, you might be able to pluck up the courage to read the charming mej Du Plessis's full name. It's also further proof to my theory that there is an infitisimal number of names for afrikaans girls, as you can (and many, many parents do) just make them up. Afrikaans boys are however restricted to the biblical ones translated from english(John -> Jan/Johan, Peter -> Pieter/Piet, David -> Dawid), but of course any popular surname will do as a first name too (De Wet, Van Wyk, Marais, Erasmus etc.) The real shocker is that it took a whole 5 years for this to get on the interweb.
If it's not instantly clear what's going on here (for those souties around who only did afrikaans for 10 years during school), here's what she was trying to convey.
Forenames: Aviance AnmerĂ (let op na strepie op i)
translation (take note of accent figure on 'i').
Whilst on the subject, lets look at AB de Villiers-is AB his name, or is it an abreviation for two names; and if so, what are they? the first correct comment wins five Deep South Dollars
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