The big problem with being a gadget freak, is that by the time you have all the toys the first ones are already outdated. I only manage to suppress this never-ending cycle of big-ticket purchases by being a card carrying cheapskate. The brand of beer do I drink is mostly dependent on this week's specials.
I have an extremely unscientific approach to training, don't be fooled by the fact that I call it the Nike approach. In the hallowed PR manna I have the 'Just Do it' scheme to uber-fitness.
RUN when you feel like it, for as long as you want
RIDE when its not too windy and the bike isn't broken
PADDLE if its not too cold (or windy)
SWIM if, and only if, there's a swimming leg in an upcoming event
REST when lazy, or too busy with other stuff like boozing
EAT when hungry and whatever is around (but stay away from that over-priced ORGANIC crud)
I've been doing the boardwalk to fishhoek and back for a while, and have started exploring the Kalk Bay Mtn trails a bit more now. It does get dark and dodgy at times and there's definitely more chance of getting mugged than shark attacks in False Bay. I would feel for my potential attackers, be they next to the Kalk Bay Night Shelter or hiding in a bush near Weary Willies in the mountains, as all they could really get is a pair of shoes and my R100 Xonix stopwatch (only fools and Germans go running with their Ipods – it's like a 'Kick me!' sign on your back). All that for a daring attack on a sweaty runner?
So as part of my general community outreach program, I think I'll go running with more hardware and candy for the southern suburbs muggers. Once again Ipod is not an option, it's like pursuing a hottie and getting into her pants at first attempt, there's plenty more fun in the chase. Now there can be no bigger gimmick that possibly, just maybe, has a use than the modern day Heart-Rate Monitor (HRM). I'm fairly active and seem to be fine without one. But hey let's kill two birds with one stone here, and who knows I might never leave the house without a black band strapped around my chest ever again.
So, after a bit of consultation with some well known users, lets see what's on the market.
Polar – The original, and apparently best. Yip, these Finns know their BPM's and invented the whole wristwatch heartrate effort thingy in the first place. Now there's a huge range (~R600 - R4000) but remember I'm looking from a gadget techie freak view here, so lets start from the top.
The S625x and S725x are running/cycling but have the same software/features. The 6 comes with a footpod so you can track how far you have run, the 7 comes with bike speed and cadence sensors. You can buy these accessories separately and they all work. Bargain on R5000 if you want all the gizmos.
The cool banana's stuff is the ability to download and save your session, check this out from Stu:

Gimmick this is not, very very useful. My only regret is that
a)they're just too popular(in a Nokia kind of way)
b)they look cr@p – even the carbon one is too plasticky and the big RED button has to go
Suunto – the inventors of the compass (both needle and digital) got involved in watches only recently and have really done well. The boy downunder runs a T6 model, which is similar in functions to the Polars mentioned. They of course have a compass, and the cool option of getting a gps pod as well. Once again a kidney might have to be donated to get all the bells and whistles. They also give you the option of updating firmware on the thing, so Timmie definitely hacks into his, still waiting to see if he can load Tetris onto it.

They're quite a cutting edge range, and even stole my idea of golf watches, and cater from divers to downhill skiers looking good in the process.
Garmin – The forerunner range is quite legendary in speed wind/kitesurfing circles/(gybes?) for their ability to plot tracks. The problem was that they were still quite large (ducttape a space case to your arm kinda large). Well the latest is the 305, and it's starting to look like a watch (but still the size of a tape measure really) and it comes with....a chest belt for HRM features. Never heard of anyone using them, but they're quite innovative and normally end up ass fu(king you for map costs. Main problem is that you still look like Urkel with a chunky thing that you can't wear to the office with out a pocket protector, but they come in at R3200 which is rather decent.
there's a few new players trying to get in the market as the technology becomes more developed and cheaper. One of them is
Timex, the dudes who patented their Indiglo blue backlight. They have some deal with Ironman and have done HRM as well now. Luckily I managed to win one of their entry level units and am currently testing the bad boy. On first impressions it's cr@p, doesn't even have a stopwatch and there's no way I'd spend the retail R700 for it, but who knows might come in handy.
My final option is that dad is currently in China doing some garage door business, he's got carte blanche to find me something cheap and nasty..lets see what comes in from the Shenzen Trade fair!
There's a few places to find these things locally, these seem to be the best
Due South and
Marvuli who have a really good price on the Polar S625x, which comes with the footpod.